
Thursday 17 July 2014

Shoud we use EJB in our project

To me this thread shows exactly what is wrong with our profession. Too many people read the marketing literature and take it as gospel.

You use EJB when and only when you need the container services. That is, transaction, persistence and security. Now if you follow the advice of most and don't use Entity beans that leaves you with security and transaction. Very few people use the security features on EJB so that leaves you with transactions. There are many other often easier ways to deal with transactions though so it is still questionable if you ever need EJB.

Let us examine some of the comments made so far.

1. Scalability - Why is it more scalable? If you are using Stateless session beans you are scalable because you are stateless. But if you are stateless it is just as easy to use POJOs (Plain old Java Objects) . Stateless design leads to better scalability but EJBs are not necessary to make your application stateless. Again the only advantage is the container services provides - otherwise it is just code folks - and your code will work just fine.

While we are at it lets address another common misconception. Lifecycle management. It is often claimed that EJB gives you some necessary lifecycle management and object pooling. It also is supposed to help you in a multi threaded environment. The trouble with this claim is that if you are stateless there are no threading issues and you only need one instance to handle all of your clients on a server. Servlets and stateless Session beans are essentially equivalent ( keep in mind that HTTPServlets are only one type of Servlet). In the world of Servlets the spec allowed you to either create a new Servlet for every client or to use one and make it thread safe. Every servlet container does it the second way and yet EJB only allows containers to do it the first way.

2. Performance - ??? What are they doing to improve performance. I can either call an object directly or go through layers of infrastructure - which do you think would be faster. Again only if we need the infrastructure is it an advantage (and NONE of the EJB infrastructure is to help with performance).

3. Maintainability - If I use OO programming methodology instead of the procedural based EJB I will be better off not worse off here. Why do people think that only EJB will get you modularity? Also testability is more difficult with EJB then POJOs and by decreasing testability I decress maintainability.

4. Different clients - Granted you need a server to handle the different clients but you don't need EJB for them to all call the same code. You just need the same object to call. Objects themselves don't care about who your client is. If I have some object Foo with method bar and that method is such that I can have copies of it in different app servers that are all the same ( a requirement for clustering) then all I have to do is have each client create a Foo and call Why is it better to do the JNDI lookup to find the Foo (when they are all the same) and then use an RMI layer to call the bar. Even if we are calling the database here it is the conection pooling and the database that gives you your advantages - and there were connection pools long before there were app servers and you can use them in an AppServer even if you are a POJO.

5. Database access - One poster said if you use your JSP/Servlets to access the database all the time it will be slower because you don't get help from the container. This is a false dichotomy. I can still have an object layer and a data access layer and never have my JSP/Servlets directly make SQL calls. I don't need EJB for that and unless you are using Entity beans which means you have an extremely simple domain model, the container is doing nothing for you here.

History is important here. EJB arose out of a desire to make CORBA easier to deal with. The reason you would use CORBA is as an integration technology. You had a system (maybe an old batch system) that you wanted to access from an OO or other program. With a CORBA interface you could make it more object like to the client. When doing this properly there were some cross cutting concerns that crop up like Transaction management, Security etc that people designed frameworks to get around. EJB was supposed to help here. The problem is that the context - a wrapper for older technology or across system boundaries was lost and now people advocate using EJB when it is all one system, you don't distribute, and it is a brand new app. But why? I love JMS for integration but I don't think you should endlessly send messages to yourself within an application.

Most projects should have at most one or two EJBs but I see people create systems with hundreds of them. This is stupid and wasteful. You have made your build times longer, your deployments more complex, and your code harder to test. What would be better for our industry is for people to actually learn about OO Design and stop with trying to shove procedural technology in the way and calling that progress.


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